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The Dashboard tab allows you to view usage charts and statistics related to your SIMs, filterable by service provider from the dropdown in the top-right.
The following charts are currently available on the Dashboard:
*Usage Details
1) Usage per Card (MB) is represented by the green line and is linked to the amounts on the left-hand Y (vertical) axis. This line provides you with the average usage per month. Hover over points to provide more details.
2) Data Usage by Month (MB) is represented by the blue line and is linked to the amounts on the right-hand Y (vertical) axis. This line provides you with the total data usage per month. Hover over points to provide more details.
*Total SIMs by Rate Plan is a bar chart that provides you with the total number of active SIMs per rate plan. Hover over bars to provide more details.
*High Usage is a scatter chart that provides you with both the usage as well as the number of sessions for each active SIM for the current billing cycle.
The Devices tab allows you to view and manage your SIMs. The following sections are available within the Devices tab:
*Inventory List lets you view your entire SIM inventory, as well as manage your SIMs one-by-one. You can also perform the following:
1. Export your SIM data into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button in the top-left
2. Sort by clicking on one of the items in the header
3. Filter via the All Devices box in the top-right
4. Change SIM status by clicking the Update Status button from the SIM Status column
*Status Upload lets you update statuses for multiple SIMs at a time via a single Excel spreadsheet. You can also perform the following:
1. View instructions for status upload files via the Information box in the top-right
2. Upload status upload files via the Upload New File Below box in the bottom-right
3. Process uploaded status upload files via the Process button to the left of the File Name column
4. View information about a status upload file via the View button to the left of the File Name column
5. Sort by clicking on one of the items in the header
6. Filter via the All Devices box in the top-left
Customer Rate Plans
The Customer Rate Plans tab allows you to view your Altaworx rate plan(s). You can also perform the following:
1. Export your rate plan data into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button in the top-left
2. Filter via the All Rate Plans box in the top-right
3. View information about a rate plan via the Details button to the right of the MB Included column
Customer Charges
The Customer Charges tab displays your billed usage and/or overage charges. You can also perform the following:
1. Filter via the All Customers dropdown in the top-left or via the All Periods dropdown in the top-center
2. Download charge details via the Download button to the right of the Amount ($) column
The Reports tab allows you to view current-month reports related to your SIMs. The following reports are currently available on the Reports tab:
*Device Zero Usage Report displays SIMs with zero data usage within the current cycle. You can also perform the following:
1. Export report data into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button in the top-left
2. Sort by clicking on one of the items in the header
3. Filter via the All SIM Cards box in the top-right
*Device Newly Activated Report displays SIMs which have been activated within the current cycle. You can also perform the following:
1. Export report data into an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export button in the top-left
2. Sort by clicking on one of the items in the header
3. Filter via the All SIM Cards box in the top-right
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